Infrastructure monitoring and the journey to the cloud
DNS over TLS forwarding with Unbound and Quad9
Fixing OpenSC after updating to MacOS Sierra
Backing up my Githup repos
Querying ANS/IP records via non rate-limited REST API
Blocklist for browser based cryptominers
Centrally managed Bhyve infrastructure with Ansible, libvirt and pkg-ssh
OpenNTPD, leap seconds and other horror stories
SSH public key authentication with security tokens
Building a DNS sinkhole in FreeBSD with Unbound and Dnscrypt
Unix shells and the lack of basic understanding
Backing up ZFS zpools
Running FreeBSD in single user mode with zfs on root
Two-factor authentication in FreeBSD
FreeBSD in the desktop, my personal experience
/me is on
A Ghost In Your Network
Efficiently Managing Your Linux Systems With Spacewalk And Puppet
Trying to Tame Selinux
Nothing to hide? The surveillance state
Bypassing the Corporate Proxy
IPv6 security
Mounting NFS shares through Meterpreter
Changing the File Encoding in Unix
Starting An Information Security Program
Enabling UTF-8 in FreeBSD
Analyzing the Phalanx 2 Rootkit with Volatility
Attacking XMPP connections
Recovering Memory Filesystems With Volatility
Simple IRC/Twitter Irssi Bot
When The Comparison Functions Do Not Compare: The MySQL Fail
Cracking Hashes Online
Want security? Go back to the basics
Auditing logs: tracing e-mail transactions III
Setting up Snorby in Security-Onion
Auditing logs: tracing e-mail transactions II
Owning a Windows Domain with Metasploit's Incognito and Persistence Modules
Auditing logs: tracing e-mail transactions
Understanding APT and Counter Espionage
Hiding The Toolkit On Linux With LUKS
Fetching the SAM and System Files Without Shutting Down Windows
Extracting the Password Hashes from a Memory Dump
Resources on Vulnerable Web Applications
DroidSheep: Hijacking Sites With Your Android Phone
Xavier Mertens - All your logs are belong to you!
Chris Gates and Rob Fuller at Derbycon 2011
Adaptive Penetration Testing at Derbycon
Windows Shellbags and Post Exploitation
Embedding Msfconsole in Python scripts through the XMLRPC interface
Tracking the Attackers with a Web Honeypot
Analyzing Malicious PDF Files with Peepdf [Spanish]
Team Tactics In Armitage
Some Post Exploitation Goodness
Clean a wordlist for use with password cracking tools and rules
Password cracking and creating custom wordlists
Attacking PEAP wireless networks
Trolling the Tor Script Kiddies
Brute-forcing SSH accounts with THC Hydra and Metasploit
[Spanish] Offensive Security talk by Roberto Martinez
[Spanish] Attacking 2G mobile communications
Brute-forcing Keepass password key-chains
Solftware vendors living in the 90's and the big firewall
Python XMPP backdoor
Simple Python reverse shell
Windows Shellbags and Timeline Analysis
Windows ASLR and the False Sense of Security
Monitoring Pastebin Leaks
Analyzing Malicious Websites with Wepawet
Loading Raw Images on VirtualBox
Web Exploitation Framework - wXf
Didier Stevens' Malicious PDF Analysis Screencasts
Browser Exploitation on Rooted 2011
Analyzing Malware Hollow Processes with Volatility
Spreading Malware Through the Android Market
Examples of Attack Remediation for Small and Large Enterprises
List of Sandbox Services
Sniffing DECT Phones with Dedected and BT5
Analyzing OSX Memory Images with Volafox
Emulating Zeus DNS Traffic to Test the Defenses
Cracking Password-Protected SSH Keys with John the Ripper
Encrypting your Dropbox Data with EncFS
Metasploit Linux Post Exploitation
Htaccess Web Shell
Remote DLL injection and Antivirus Evasion
Pivoting and Post-Explotation (Spanish)
Windows EMET: Enforcing Code Execution Protections
Linux Reverse Shells Using Built-in Tools
Metasploit PHP LFI exploit module
Python Port of RegRipper Added to Volatility
How to Extract Flash Objects from Malicious PDF Files
Collection of SMBRelay attacks
Fooling Bots and Web Scanners with WebLabyrinth
Analyzing a Compromised Linux Server With Volatility
Why is Metasploit flagged by the AVs?
Why I do not trust the cloud
EAP-MD5 Offline password attacks
Converting Unicode to Shellcode
Attacking Oracle Web Applications With Metasploit
TCP Split Handshake
Layer 2 attacks on IPv6
RawCap Windows Sniffer
Malware analysis with ClamAV and YARA
IPv6 Pen-testing
Anatomy of the RSA compromise
Analyzing a Stuxnet infection with the Sysinternals Tools
An overview of Rustock
Timeline analysis on Pauldotcom
iPhone forensics with Paraben
Microsoft has taken down the Rustock botnet
SpyEye Botmasters Try To Sabotage
Extracting Real VNC passwords from the Windows Registry
CAs being owned and the SSL trust model
Windows Integrity Levels explained
Network Sniffers Class
Snort and Sguil easy installation with a Slackware Linux ISO
DNS Prefetching implications
bad password implementations and brute-force attacks
Analyzing malware packaged in malicious PDF files
DLP is the next Silver Bullet
Linux Support to Volatility
OS X Post Explotation
Securing 'su' with Google Authenticator
Dumping the Wireless Passwords in Windows
Blind SQL in DVWA
Dumping the cached credentials with Metasploit
Mitigating Slowloris
Malicious Documents Cheat Sheet
Analyzing suspicious PDF files with PDF Stream Dumper
Investigating DDoS attacks
Implement secure file uploads
Are password hashing and salts enough?
HBGary hack: lessons learned
In case I got owned
wordlists for password brute forcing
GPU password brute forcing - oclHashcat+
Extracting memory mapped files from memory dumps
Hex encoding tricks with xxd
Real world data exfiltration
Exploiting SCADA systems
Tracker for the Palevo C&C
Exploiting vulnerabilities in mobile phones
New book on the shelf
JavaScript obfuscation to the next level
Log analysis can be lots of fun
world's worst hacker
More on secure wiping tools: SRM and BCWipe
Two new books on the shelf
Evilgrade at Defcon
Meterpreter script for grabbing Wifi profiles
Use flow data to date and identify an intrussion
Bypassing antivirus signatures
Are the Linux capabilities adding more security?
Medium interaction SSH honeypot
Is Cloud Computing Secure Enough?
Using static private keys in embedded devices is an epic fail
DNS block list for malicious web traffic
forensics: is Shred securely deleting the files?
High Performance Packet Capture in FreeBSD
Metasploit and VNC Password Bruteforcing
Securing the network with OTP and Radius
Linux ACPI custom_method Privilege Escalation
The OpenBSD IPSec stack is possibly backdoored
Snort coverage for the Exim remote root vulnerability
Monitoring the network with sFlow
Capturing Windows Logon Credentials with Metasploit
Root vulnerability in Exim
Linux Kernel <= 2.6.37 local privilege escalation
Beyond Exploits: Real World Penetration Testing
- compromised
Using Volatility to perform memory forensics
CSS History Hack
Quick introduction to SamuraiWTF
Full packet capture on Cisco Firewall
Two new privilege escalations in Windows
SSL MITM with sslstrip
Open Source Digital Forensics
More packet repositories
Doing penetration testing with a minimal footprint
Tracking malware on a budget
Quick introduction to Network Security Monitoring
Tool for timeline analysis: log2timeline
OSX update breaking PGP full disc encryption
Physical Penetration Testing Presentation
Quick introduction to shellcoding
Executing programs from memory with Metasploit
Escalation via a library upload and the GNU ld dlopen vulnerability
Privilege escalation with Upstart and the GNU ld dlopen vulnerability
Analysis techniques in image forensics
The Botnet Wars: a Q&A
w3af 1.0-rc4 available
Detecting time stamp manipulations in the file system
ProFTPD preauth remote buffer overflow
Emerging Threats under DDoS
58 joomla exploits in one single pack
Firefox 0day was found on the Novel Peace Prize website
FUD in the IDS market
Nessus scan through a socks Meterpreter pivot
GNU ld dlopen privilege escalation
Integrating Hydra with Nessus
Malware Pushers Abuse Firefox Warning Page
Persistence Registry keys and Windows Incident Response
Privilege escalation in the Linux kernel
Honeypot for vulnerable web applications
Presentation about botnets in SIGINT'10, Koln
Java being massively exploited
GNU ld privilege escalation
Resources for Building Incident Response Teams
New version of Metasploit Unleashed
Windows hardening: EMET
Tshark Fu: decrypting SSL streams
Evercookies: evil user tracking
Security websites attacked and public disclosure
A packet repository at the University of Twente
Quick introduction to malware analysis
Metasploit megaprimer: 300 minutes of video tutorials
Real time Google Hacking
Process Creation Monitoring
Testing XSRF with Pinata
Jason Wood's Metasploit slides
Adobe to add a sandbox in Adobe Reader
Flaw in glob function implementation put FTP servers at risk
Security Incident Cycle and common Incident Management mistakes
LUKS encrypted disk forensics
Linux USB policies
Hard times for ASP.NET
PHP code deobfuscation
Manual SQL injection demonstration with DVWA
Having fun with game servers
F-secure: Stuxnet Questions and Answers
Podcasts in German
Reverse HTTP evilness
Metasploit and local file inclusion